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Automation Professionals offers the following Ignition add-on modules for your application needs. See pricing information, purchasing methods, available discounts, and support details in our Module Sales Policy PDF. This document may be used directly as a quotation by buyers. See also the Inductive Automation Module Showcase and our posts in IA's "3rd-Party Modules" Forum Category.

The EtherNet/IP™ Communications Suite Module provides I/O Scanning and I/O Emulation on top of partial emulation of a Logix™ processor (Controller Tags and User-Defined data types). Use robust, low latency UDP packets to communicate with Logix™ processors as one or more I/O modules (passive slave mode), and with a variety of EtherNet/IP™ I/O modules as an I/O scanner (active master mode).

With the Controller Tag emulation, you can minimize unnecessary network traffic using Data Table messages initiated as needed by your control system, eliminating the corresponding OPC driver polling. The controller tag emulation can also accept connections from other Ignition servers' Logix v21+ driver, and is expected to work with a variety of generic HMI devices.

This driver also supports Producer/Consumer tag connections, python handlers for communication events, and scripted use of low-level CIP messaging. Since version 1.0.2, much of the configuration can be performed from the Ignition Designer. Version 1.1 adds support for momentary pushbuttons directly connected to I/O buffers. Version 1.2 adds support for multi-port bridging and draft support for Logix Program Tags. Version 1.3 adds default tags and assemblies for quick setup as an I/O slave, along with some Multicast UDP fixes for Windows platforms. Version 1.4 improves support unaligned assembly scatter/gather operations and adds support for assembly members that point to subelements of tags, whether array elements or structure elements.

Major Version 2.0 introduces a new Client driver type for improved communications with Allen-Bradley Logix Processors and Omron NJ/NX family processors. The user manual includes the details of the new functionality, with a preview of the further improvements and features that are planned.

Version 2.1 adds support for arbitrary access to CIP Attributes via the Client Driver, with the option to provide structure type information to decode complex attributes that are not pre-defined.

Version 2.1.7 adds support for arbitrary access to unbrowsed symbols via the Client Driver, via explicit type and symbol definitions in Supplemental XML.

Version 2.1.10 updates the Class1 Host Device (and Multi-slot Target) to to support all of the new Logix datatypes properly in its configuration, and expands the support for Logix predefined structured types through Rockwell's firmare version 35.

Version 2.1.12 introduces Maker Edition support, and adds documentation for the (beta) Keyence KV support. has been withdrawn due to a significant regression, introduced in the 2.1.11 beta, first reported by a client using PlantPax.

Version 2.1.13 Re-introduces Keyence KV support and Maker support. Also fixes some old bugs in the Host Driver.

Version 2.1.15 upgrades Producer/Consumer tag support to include structured types and limited support for Data State Change events. Extensive documentation updates for producer/consumer tag support. Also fixes a bug in Host Driver live JSON types export.

Version 2.1.16 fixes bugs in L5X import, particularly STRING data types and their initialization values.

Version 2.1.17 fixes one more bug in L5X import, and brings the designer's editor for types/tags/code/assemblies/scanners up to date. It includes, for the first time, support for live editing of PROGRAM tags, and program-specific jython code. Program tags and code were previously only configurable via XML.

Version 2.1.18 fixes a bug in Scanner connection failure handling in a particular code path that breaks its connection retry state machine.

Versions supporting Ignition 7.9 through 8.1 are available as follows:

Ignition v8.1 Version 2.1.18
Ignition v8.0.14+ Version 1.4.2 (Unsupported, no further updates.)
Ignition v8.0.0-.13 Version 1.4.1 (Unsupported, no further updates.)
Ignition v7.9 Version 1.4.2 (Limited support, no further updates.)
Ignition v7.7.8+ Version 1.4.2 (Unsupported, no further updates.)

Review the module documentation here. Install this EDS File into Rockwell Software or your favorite scanner configuration tool for maximum compatibility.

A demonstration of responsive user interfaces using passive mode is available in a Zipped project with ancillary files. See its ReadMe file for installation instructions. Load it into your development lab to see just how quick Ignition Client to PLC communications can be. (Note: This demo requires the Integration Toolkit module, formerly known as Simulation Aids, too.)

The Advanced Modbus Module provide drivers for both Server and Client ends of traditional Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU communications. RTU traffic is supported on gateway serial ports and via raw TCP serial converters.

This driver offers several features not available in Ignition's native Modbus driver:

  • Symmetric Server Implementation with support for multiple virtual slave units. All functions and features usable in the Client can be tested against the Server implementation and vice versa.
  • OPC Browse support for configured nodes and for each slave unit's configured address ranges. The Browse support includes navigable trees showing the available data type transformations for each register.
  • Support for File Record registers (classic addresses like 6xxxxxx) via Modbus Function codes 20 and 21 (0x14 and 0x15). Up to 655,350,000 16-bit registers can be addressed with these functions.
  • Support for unsigned integer Bit Fields in both bit memory areas (0xxxxx & 1xxxxx, up to 63 bits long) and register memory areas (3xxxxx & 4xxxxx & 6xxxxxx, up to 15 bits long).
  • Configurable gap spanning, word and byte order swapping, and function code size limits Per Slave Unit. Physical slaves sharing an RS-485 bus but having different protocol behaviours can now be supported.

While the native Ignition Modbus modules OPC item address formats are supported, the following are not implemented in this driver module:

  • One-based Addressing is not available. All bit or register offsets presented in an OPC item address are used as-is in the protocol "on the wire" (aka zero-based addressing).
  • Address Mappings are not available, as they are replaced by the direct browse support.

Version 1.1.5 introduces Maker Edition support, and fixes a couple bugs in the settings editor for fallback and redundant targets.

Version 1.1.6 adds a work-around for target devices that only partially implement the specification for function codes 0x14 and ox15, where they do not accept multiple register groups in a single request.

Versions supporting Ignition 7.9 and 8.1 are available as follows:

Ignition v8.1 Version 1.1.6
Ignition v8.0 Not available.
Ignition v7.9 Version 1.0.3 (Limited support, no further updates.)

Review the module documentation here.

The Batik Scalable Vector Graphics Canvas Module is a wrapper around the Apache Batik JSVGCanvas Component that provides the necessary Ignition integration hooks, designer compatibility, and event scripting support.

The latest version supports Ignition v8.0.10+ using Batik v1.12. It is available here. The previous version supports Ignition v8.0.0 (only) using Batik v1.7. It is available here. The corresponding version supporting Ignition v7.9 is available here.

Preview the module documentation here.

The NoteChart Module is an enhancement to the client-side charting capabilities of the Ignition Platform. It installs two new components in the charting section of the designer's component palette.

These charts provide the same basic features as the standard Classic Chart and EasyChart, but include the ability to display witness lines and annotations on the charts corresponding to equipment and/or system time-stamped events. The annotations may include tooltips and may be clicked to activate a temporary X-Trace at the precise timestamp of that event. The charts can be configured to prune less important events from the chart when zoomed out, preventing the event annotations from swamping the chart display.

When using Ignition v7.9 or v8.1 and also installing the Time Series Database Cache Module (below), the EasyNoteChart will automatically hook into the caches for DB pens.

Major Version 2, available only for Ignition v8.1+, adds support for annotations, with fixed X-Trace, in the Reporting Module.

Versions supporting Ignition 7.9 through 8.1 are available as follows:

Ignition v8.1.28+ Version 2.1.2
Ignition v8.1 (<v8.1.28) Version 2.0.3 (Supported, but no new features.)
Ignition v8.1 (V1 License) Version 1.9.7 (Last V1 Release. Supported, but no new features.)
Ignition v8.0 Version 1.9.5 (Unsupported, no further updates.)
Ignition v7.9 Version 1.9.7 (Limited support, no further updates.)
Ignition v7.7.8+ Version 1.9.5 (Unsupported, no further updates.)

Preview the module documentation here. A sample project that shows many of the enhancements to the chart objects is available here.

The Time Series Database Cache Module adds global and per-client caching of time series data to the Ignition Platform, via new expression and scripting functions.

When using the native Ignition database query operations, each query initiated at each client is passed to the selected database for processing. The platform does not attempt to consolidate duplicate or overlapping queries -- that is left to the database and it's JDBC driver. While this can be very efficient if the database resides on the same server as the Ignition gateway, a database in a separate server can be swamped by many identical or similar requests.

When a client uses this module's query functions with a structured timespan and list of result columns, an attempt is made to satisfy the query in the client, and then in the gateway, without using the database connection. If either cache supplies part of the data, the cache will only ask the database for the missing parts. Data received from the database is streamed in chunks to all interested clients, improving visual response times and avoiding database timeouts when large datasets are requested.

As of version 2.1 (for Ignition v7.9, v8.0, and v8.1), the caches support prioritizing client data requests, and providing cache data to the NoteChart Module's EasyNoteChart Database Pens.

This module also provides special handling of real-time data whenever a query's timespan includes now(). Such requests will remain active, listening to fresh real-time data as it is distributed from the gateway.

The latest version supports Ignition v8.0 and v8.1. It is available here. The corresponding version supporting Ignition v7.9.1+ is available here. (Limited support, no further updates.) The legacy version 2.0.2 supporting Ignition v7.7.8+ is available here.

Preview the module documentation here.

The Integration Toolkit Module, formerly known as the Simulation Aids module, is a free enhancement to the Ignition Platform. It supplies a variety of expression functions and other general utilities that are particularly useful when developing projects, optimizing projects, and dealing with equipment or data sources that don’t yet exist.

It provides advanced functions useful in many applications, particularly when attempting to improve performance by trading out jython scripting in favor of iterating expression functions.

This module provides no drivers, nor any extension point implementations, nor any user interface components. It only provides expression functions and scripting functions.

Versions supporting Ignition 7.9 through 8.1 are available as follows:

Ignition v8.1 Version 2.0.17
Ignition v8.0 Version 1.7.8 (Unsupported, no further updates.)
Ignition v7.9 Version 1.7.8 (Limited support, no further updates.)
Ignition v7.7.8+ Version 1.7.8 (Unsupported, no further updates.)

Preview the module documentation here.